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Syarat Ketentuan Program Pemberian Loyalitas Tingkat EDGE: Program Penghargaan Loyalitas eDGE dari Axis Bank memungkinkan anggota yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengumpulkan Poin untuk transaksi dan tindakan lainnya yang mungkin ditentukan oleh Axis Bank dari waktu ke waktu. Poin yang terakumulasi pada transaksi semacam itu dapat ditukarkan dengan berbagai penghargaan seperti yang mungkin ditawarkan oleh Program Pemberian Loyalitas Dividen dari waktu ke waktu. Anggota: Anggota Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE adalah pelanggan yang memenuhi syarat dari Axis Bank yang memilih manfaat dari Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE. Hubungan Pemberian Loyalitas EDGE berarti satu atau lebih produk dan layanan Axis Bank, tercantum dalam daftar berikut yang memenuhi syarat untuk dimasukkan dalam Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE dan dicairkan oleh anggota. Poin: Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE adalah poin reward yang dikreditkan ke akun Rewards Loyalitas Anggota eDGE, sebagai hasil dari transaksi anggota Loyalitas Rewards eDGE yang memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan Poin sesuai dengan persyaratan program. Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE juga dapat didebet dari akun anggota saat ditebus atau kadaluarsa. Akun Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE: Akun penghargaan Loyalitas eDGE berarti akun transaksi yang berkaitan dengan Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE untuk anggota tertentu dan termasuk Poin yang diterima, kurang ditebus dan kadaluarsa. Produk: produk yang memenuhi syarat eDGE berarti Bank Axis (produk, layanan dan transaksi perbankan) dimana pelanggan akan menghasilkan Poin Hadiah di bidang program Penghargaan Loyalitas Devisa untuk transaksi mereka mendapatkan tindakan sebagaimana ditentukan oleh program. Imbalan: Imbalannya berkaitan dengan semua item pada katalog penghargaan dan ditawarkan oleh mitra dengan imbalan poin yang terakumulasi selama program berlangsung. Definisi di atas akan berlaku untuk semua transaksi dan komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan eHGE Loyalty Rewards Semua nasabah Axis Bank yang memiliki rekening Tabungan, NRI (termasuk NRE dan NRO) dan Inaam berhak untuk menjadi bagian dari Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE kecuali nasabah yang memegang Corporate dan Government Trust Savings Account, tanpa embel-embel dan Rekening Tabungan Dasar. Kriteria kelayakan akan ditinjau ulang dari waktu ke waktu. Hanya pelanggan yang bereputasi baik dan dengan tidak ada jumlah tunggakan akan memenuhi syarat untuk Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE. Untuk mendapatkan poin pada transaksi Family Banking, anggota utama harus memegang Rekening Tabungan - Perdana dan di atas, sedangkan anggota keluarga lainnya yang ditambahkan oleh anggota utama, dapat menyimpan Rekening Tabungan kecuali Rekening Tabungan Kepercayaan Perusahaan dan Pemerintah, tanpa embel-embel Dan Rekening Tabungan Dasar. Pemegang rekening utama dapat menambahkan hingga 3 anggota lagi dalam program Family Banking. Pemegang Rekening Giro berikut memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi bagian dari program ini: Normal Current Account (CANOR) Efektif tanggal 10 November 2014 semua akun Tabungan, Akun Inaam dan NRI yang memenuhi syarat perlu memelihara Minimum Average Monthly Balance (AMB) minimum Rs. 25.000 sebulan untuk memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan poin reward loyalitas eDGE. Pelanggan Burgundy tidak perlu mempertahankan AMB Rs. 25.000 untuk mendapatkan poin. Poin penghasilan akan menjadi dasar lembaran 3 AMB dipertahankan. Jika AMB adalah antara Rs. 25.000 sampai Rs. 1,00,000 x reward points akan didapat. Jika AMB adalah antara Rs. 1,00,000 sampai Rs. 5,00,000 poin reward 2x akan didapat jika AMB lebih besar dari Rs. 5.000.000 poin reward 3x akan didapat. Anggota yang memenuhi syarat untuk Family Banking akan memperoleh poin berdasarkan hubungan keluarga perbankan yang terjaga dengan bank. Sebagai contoh: Jika nilai hubungan keluarga lebih besar dari Rs. 5,00,000, dan saldo AMB yang dipelihara oleh individu yang sama adalah antara Rs. 25.000 sampai Rs. 1,00,000 maka anggota keluarga akan mendapatkan 3x poin karena nilai hubungan keluarganya. Klik di sini untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang penghitungan Saldo Rata-rata Bulanan. Untuk Rekening Tabungan, Akun Burgundy, Rekening NRI, Rekening Inaam, penghitungan Saldo Rata-rata Bulanan pada program Rewards Loyalitas Hutang dilakukan untuk masing-masing Nomor Pelanggan yang dikelola dengan Axis Bank. Jika pelanggan memegang 2 Rekening Tabungan dengan satu ID Pelanggan untuk kedua akun tersebut, maka Saldo Rata-rata Rata-rata yang dihitung ke poin penghargaan adalah jumlah dari Rata-rata Gaji Bulanan yang dipelihara untuk kedua akun tersebut. Jika pelanggan tidak mempertahankan minimum AMB Rs. 25.000 dalam sebulan untuk jumlah akun yang dipelihara pada Nomor Pelanggan individual, maka dia tidak akan mendapatkan poin apapun meskipun dia melakukan transaksi mendapatkan yang layak. Untuk Family Banking, perhitungan Family Balance pada program Rewards Loyalitas Devaluasi dilakukan untuk semua ID Pelanggan yang ditandai dengan satu Family ID yang dikelola dengan Axis Bank. A) Akses melalui Axis Bank - Internet Banking: i) Anggota dapat mengakses program ini dengan masuk ke situs web Axis Bank. Poskan login, pilih eDGE Loyalty Rewards pada halaman Ringkasan Akun dan kemudian menerima Persyaratan dan Ketentuan program untuk menukarkan poin mereka. Harap dicatat, nasabah Rekening Giro Axis Bank tidak akan dapat mengakses program eHB Loyalty Rewards melalui fitur ini b) Akses melalui App Mobile Axis Bank: i) Anggota dapat masuk ke App Mobile Axis Bank. Ii) Pilih Hadiah Loyalitas EZD dari menu. C) Akses melalui situs web Loyalty Rewards Rewards: i) Saat mendaftar di situs web Penghargaan Loyalitas Hutang, halaman pendaftaran Program Penghargaan Loyalitas Dini akan memiliki kotak drop-down yang menanyakan rincian produk seperti rincian Rekening Tabungan, rincian kartu Debit, rincian kartu kredit dan Rincian pinjaman. Pelanggan dapat memilih untuk mendaftar menggunakan produk ini dan memberikan rincian yang relevan. Ii) Begitu produk telah dipilih, anggota harus mendaftar secara online menggunakan Customer ID-nya, Name sebagai embossed pada Kartu Kredit Debit, Nomor Rekening Tabungan dan Tanggal Lahir sesuai catatan bank untuk mengaktifkan akun dan mulai menggunakan poin reward. Dan manfaat program lainnya. Iii) Nasabah Rekening Koran juga akan dapat mendaftar melalui website dengan memilih Rincian Rekening Koran pada menu drop down. Setelah produk terpilih, anggota harus mendaftar secara online menggunakan Customer ID, Current Account Number, Account Name yang digunakan untuk membuka Rekening Giro. D) Akses melalui Call Center Axis Bank i) Pelanggan dapat mengakses program ini dengan menghubungi call center Axis Bank di nomor 1800-209-5577 atau 1800-103-5577. E) Untuk nasabah rekening pinjaman, nasabah perlu memasukkan Nama Rekening Pinjamannya sebagai bagian dari proses validasi. F) Anggota diharuskan untuk membuat Username dan Password sebagai bagian dari proses registrasi. Jika anggota lupa Username, dia bisa login menggunakan Customer ID-nya. G) Alamat email yang diberikan selama proses registrasi akan diperlakukan sebagai alamat email yang spesifik untuk Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE dan anggota akan menerima semua komunikasi email yang terkait dengan program di alamat email ini. Alamat email yang diberikan hanya akan digunakan untuk komunikasi terkait loyalitas dan tidak akan berdampak memperbarui alamat email banknya yang terdaftar. H) Untuk pelunasan e-Voucher di situs web Hadiah Loyalitas EDGE, komunikasi yang relevan hanya akan dikirim ke alamat email Bank yang terdaftar. I) Merupakan tanggung jawab member untuk mengaktifkan akun secara online. Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas aktivasi akun. J) anggota Rewards Loyalitas eDGE akan mendapat keuntungan dari penawaran khusus, promosi dan keistimewaan yang mungkin diberikan oleh Axis Bank dan mitranya dari waktu ke waktu. Keanggotaan tunduk pada kriteria dan ketentuan kelayakan program (termasuk batas akrual Poin tahunan) yang ditentukan oleh Axis Bank. Axis Bank berhak, sewaktu-waktu dan tanpa pemberitahuan, untuk memberlakukan masa berlaku keanggotaan. K) Keanggotaan dalam Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE tidak dapat dipindahtangankan. L) Jika pemegang bersama atau gabungan dari eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship, semua penandatangan yang diotorisasi akan terdaftar secara otomatis dalam Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE, penggunaan dan pelunasan Poin hanya akan tersedia bagi penandatanganan Imbalan Loyalitas Rewards eDGE primer seperti yang diidentifikasi Dalam catatan Bank Axis dan terbatas, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Ketentuan Ketentuan ini. Namun, setiap pemegang Kartu GARANSI PENYALURAN EDGE akan memperoleh Poin, dalam lingkup program, sehubungan dengan akun atau layanan terkaitnya dan hal yang sama akan dikreditkan ke Akun Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE. M) Rekening diidentifikasi oleh Nomor Identifikasi Pelanggan (Customer ID) penandatangan utama yang ditetapkan oleh catatan pelanggan yang dikelola oleh Axis Bank. N) Jika penandatangan akun atau pemegang akun pelengkap dikeluarkan dari Hubungan Imbalan Loyalitas Devaluasi, maka penandatangan atau pemegang akun pelengkap tersebut tidak lagi memenuhi syarat untuk berpartisipasi dalam Loyalitas eDGE Program Imbalan O) Axis Bank berhak untuk menarik menghentikan keanggotaan individu dalam Program Pemberian Loyalitas EDGE dan mencabut Poin yang Masih Harus Dibayar. P) Keanggotaan dalam Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE dihentikan secara otomatis pada saat kematian atau kebangkrutan pemegang Efek Loyalitas Rewards eDGE primer q) Setelah penghentian keanggotaan, semua Poin yang terakumulasi dalam Akun Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE (sebagaimana didefinisikan di bawah) akan segera berakhir dan keanggotaan Ditutup. Axis Bank akan menentukan, dari waktu ke waktu, atas kebijaksanaannya sendiri, yang mana Hubungan Rewards Loyalitas eDGE atau transaksi Axis Bank CardBank mana yang berhak mengikuti inklusi dalam Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE dan berapa Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE yang akan diterima dan atas dasar apa. Axis Bank juga akan menentukan dari waktu ke waktu jumlah Poin Rewards Loyalitas eDGE yang diperlukan untuk penebusan imbalan apapun. Seorang anggota harus menjadi pelanggan yang bereputasi baik, setelah mendapatkan sejumlah minimum Poin Reward Poin Loyalitas (300 Poin) untuk memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan penebusan. Jika terjadi pembalikan atas setiap transaksi yang memenuhi syarat, Poin Reward Loyalitas eDGE yang dikreditkan ke Akun Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE sebagai hasil dari transaksi yang memenuhi syarat tersebut akan dikurangkan dari saldo Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE yang masih harus dibayar. Poin Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE dapat diperoleh hanya sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditentukan oleh Axis Bank. Lebih khusus lagi, selama promosi, penawaran khusus, periode cash-back atau black-out, Axis Bank dapat memutuskan untuk melarang pendapatan Poin Rugi Loyalitas EDGE pada transaksi yang telah didiskontokan. Pembelian Kartu Kredit Add-on akan menghasilkan Poin Reward Poin Loyalitas yang akan dikreditkan ke akun pemegang Loyalitas Rewards First eDGE. Hanya pemegang akun utama yang dapat menukarkan Poin. Poin diperoleh untuk setiap Hubungan Pemberian Loyalitas Rewards eDGE atau transaksi yang memenuhi syarat yang tunduk pada kriteria kehilangan penghargaan Poin Loyalitas Pelanggan dan tidak ada Poin Hadiah Loyalitas Tingkat EDGE diberikan secara retroaktif. Daftar pengecualian indikatif namun belum tentu lengkap terhadap pendapatan Poin Rugi Loyalitas eDGE per jenis dari eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship atau Transaksi yang Layak diberikan pada Jadwal A. Pelanggan Rekening Koran hanya akan mendapatkan poin atas transaksi yang ditentukan dalam peraturan untuk Giro Pelanggan, pada memegang Giro yang memenuhi syarat yang disebutkan di atas dalam kriteria kelayakan. Efektif tanggal 16 Januari 2015, nasabah Rekening Koran tidak perlu memiliki kartu debit rekening koran agar memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti program ini. Semua pelanggan di bawah Program Aktif Sumbu berhak mendapatkan Poin Reward Lewat Loyalitas dengan syarat dan ketentuan berikut. Seluruh pengaturan ini selanjutnya disebut program. Pelanggan hanya akan memperoleh maksimal 500 poin pada sasaran Langkah Akhir Pencetakan mingguan dari 70.000 langkah. Bank Dunia akan menentukan, dari waktu ke waktu, atas kebijaksanaannya sendiri, yang mana Hubungan atau Tindakan Loyalitas Rewards eDGE berhak untuk dimasukkan ke dalam program Penghargaan Loyalitas Devisa dan berapa banyak eDGE Loyalitas Poin Reward yang akan diterima dan atas dasar apa. Poin yang diperoleh melalui tindakan mendapatkan yang layak akan dikreditkan ke rekening eDGE Loyalty Rewards pelanggan selama 5 hari kerja minggu berikutnya. Pelanggan dapat melihat poin-poin ini di bawah Tab Earn History di situs program edgerewards. axisbank atau menghubungi nomor call center Axis Bank: 1800 209 5577. Semua redemption hanya akan dipenuhi dengan menggunakan ID nasabah MasterCard saja. Ini bisa jadi namun tidak terbatas pada ID email yang terdaftar dengan program Penghargaan Loyalitas Hutang. TC di atas adalah tambahan untuk program Penghargaan Loyalitas Deviasi eDGE yang disebutkan di sini sebagai pelaksana pelaksana. axisbankaxisMobileterms-conditions. Program di atas dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu sesuai kebijakan Axis Bank Ltd dan Axis Bank atas kebijakannya sendiri memiliki hak untuk mengubah kondisi di atas dan norma kelayakan selama mata uang fasilitas ini. Skema Skema Investasi Portofolio (PIS) memungkinkan NRI untuk berinvestasi di saham perusahaan India di bawah basis repatriasi atau non-repatriasi. Poin akan berlaku untuk NREPI NROPI. Pelanggan akan mendapatkan maksimal 20 poin untuk tanggal Trade. Pelanggan dapat melihat poin-poin ini di bawah Tab Earn History di situs web program. Poin dihitung dengan membulatkan nilai transaksi ke bilangan bulat terdekat dan sesuai kriteria yang ditetapkan untuk setiap produk Axis Bank. Misalnya, jika nilai transaksi Rs. 259 itu akan dibulatkan ke bilangan bulat terdekat Rs. 200 untuk tujuan menghitung Poin. Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE tidak dapat dialihkan dan tidak dapat dijanjikan. Jika terjadi perubahan status Hubungan Loyalitas Rewards eDGE (seperti upgrade atau downgrade daripadanya), perhitungan Poin Loyalitas Reward eDGE dapat disesuaikan sesuai dengan status revisi dari. Poin Reward Poin Loyalitas berlaku untuk jangka waktu tiga (3) tahun, terhitung sejak hari dimana Poin Rewards Loyalitas Pengembalian eDGE diperoleh. Misalnya, jika seorang anggota telah memperoleh Poin Reward Tingkat Loyalitas pada tanggal 10 Januari 2013, Poin Reward Tingkat Loyalitas eDGE berlaku untuk penebusan sampai 10 Januari 2016. Jika tidak digunakan sebelum tanggal kedaluwarsa, Poin Reward DHL akan berakhir pada tanggal tersebut. . Efektif 01st Mei 2016, semua Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE yang diterima oleh pelanggan pada atau sebelum tanggal 01 Mei 2013 akan berakhir. Karena Poin Reward Lewat eDGE Anda memiliki masa berlaku 3 tahun, poin akan berakhir secara otomatis setelah selang 3 tahun sejak tanggal penjatahan. Hal ini sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan program. Untuk mengetahui saldo Reward Point Loyalitas eDGE Anda, masuk ke Internet Banking Mobile App atau edgerewards. axisbank. Poin Rewards Loyalitas eDGE juga akan kadaluarsa jika tidak ada transaksi pada Rekening Rewards Loyalitas EDGE dalam periode 365 hari. Setelah kadaluarsa, Poin Rugi Loyalitas Tidak Dikenal akan dihapus dari Rekening Rewards Loyalitas EDGE sejak tanggal kedaluwarsa dan tidak dapat dikreditkan kembali. Pemegang Rekening Loyalitas Devisa harus bertanggung jawab untuk menyadari jumlah Poin Rugi Loyalty eDGE di akunnya dan tanggal kadaluarsanya. Semua pengeluaran yang dilakukan di bawah lingkup Program harus memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan Poin Rewards Loyalitas Tingkat Tinggi kecuali yang akan dikecualikan oleh Axis Bank dari waktu ke waktu. Saat ini pengecualian seperti ini meliputi: emspo Transfer saldo emspo Uang muka tunai emspo Transaksi ongkos apapun emspo Beban keuangan (misalnya biaya keterlambatan pembayaran, biaya cek yang tidak terhormat, biaya layanan, biaya transaksi) emspo Transaksi sengketa emspo Pembelian yang dilakukan di pompa bensin stasiun emspo Pembayaran pendaftaran Biaya untuk Program (Jika ada) Penebusan Poin Reward eDGE tunduk pada: Persetujuan dan persyaratan ketentuan Axis Bank yang relevan dengan penghargaan. Emspo Tersedianya reward pada saat permintaan redemption. Emspo Pembatasan yang diberlakukan oleh pemasok atau penerbit hadiah. Kapan pun yang dianggap perlu, Axis Bank dapat, tanpa pemberitahuan, membatalkan pesanan Pemberian Loyalitas Rewards atau mengganti pahala dengan yang lain, dengan sifat dan nilai yang sebanding, seperti yang ditentukan oleh Axis Bank. Axis Bank berhak untuk memperkenalkan produk baru dan mengganti yang sudah ada pada setiap saat tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu kepada anggota. Syarat tambahan untuk setiap hadiah harus tercantum dalam voucher hadiah yang dikeluarkan untuk anggota. Hanya pelanggan yang memiliki hubungan Loyalitas Rewards eDGE aktif yang dapat meminta penebusan Poin. Poin Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE yang diakru hanya dapat ditukarkan oleh pemegang hubungan utama, dan bukan oleh pemegang rekening tambahan. Imbalan fisik yang ditebus akan dikirimkan ke alamat yang terdaftar di Axis Bank dan hanya di India, kecuali dinyatakan lain dalam deskripsi produk penghargaan. Semua e-Voucher yang ditukarkan di tempat program hanya dapat ditukarkan di India pada merek masing-masing kecuali ditentukan secara eksplisit sebaliknya. Penebusan e-Voucher dari katalog NRI dapat ditukarkan di gerai pedagang merek terpilih seperti yang ditentukan dalam katalog produk terhadap produk spesifik tersebut, di negara tersebut seperti yang disebutkan dalam deskripsi produk hadiah. Poin tidak dapat ditukar dengan uang tunai atau kredit atau digunakan untuk mendapatkan uang muka, atau digunakan untuk tidak membayar biaya apapun yang timbul dalam Hubungan Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE. Imbalan yang ditebus tidak dapat ditukar dengan imbalan lain atau dapat dikembalikan, dapat diganti atau dapat dipindahtangankan untuk uang tunai atau kredit dalam kondisi apapun, dan ini juga tidak dapat diubah kembali menjadi Poin Reward Tingkat Loyalitas. Setelah ditukar dengan program kesetiaan pasangan lain, jika ada, Poin Reward Poin Loyalitas Tidak dapat ditransfer kembali. Axis Bank tidak memberikan jaminan atau pernyataan baik tersurat maupun tersirat, berkaitan dengan jenis, kualitas atau kesesuaian dari pemberian yang diberikan melalui Program Pemberian Loyalitas EDGE. Hadiah akan disertai dengan informasi garansi dimanapun berlaku dari produsen dan klaim harus langsung diarahkan ke produsen. Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas kualitas barang atau jasa yang disediakan oleh perusahaan pedagang yang berpartisipasi dalam Program Pemberian Loyalitas Rewards. Semua perselisihan dalam hal ini harus diambil langsung oleh anggota dengan pihak yang berpartisipasi. Setiap biaya tambahan yang timbul sehubungan dengan pelunasan pahala harus menjadi tanggung jawab penuh dari anggota. Penerbitan sertifikat penebusan untuk makan, perjalanan atau akomodasi hotel tidak merupakan reservasi. Anggota bertanggung jawab untuk membuat semua pemesanan dan memberi tahu perusahaan merchant yang berpartisipasi atas hadiah yang akan ditebus. Manfaat Axis Bank lainnya, yang diaktifkan dengan menggunakan Hubungan Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE, tidak berlaku untuk barang atau jasa yang diterima sebagai imbalan di bawah Program. Axis Bank dapat menunda pelunasan poin dimana rekening Kartu Kredit Axis Bank tidak dalam keadaan baik (tunggakan atau dalam koleksi). Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atau bertanggung jawab atas produk dan atau layanan yang telah ditebus dari Poin Rugi Loyalitas eDGE, dengan cara apa pun termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada kerusakan atau kekurangan apapun, atau sehubungan dengan klaim yang timbul karena tidak menggunakan Atau penggunaan Poin, atau penggunaan sertifikat penebusan untuk makan, akomodasi perjalanan atau hotel atau penggunaan, daya tahan produk produk yang diakuisisi oleh penebusan Poin. Ketersediaan stok dan harga untuk setiap hadiah dalam katalog Rewards eDGE dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. Jika terjadi kegagalan untuk menebus karena masalah teknis atau jaringan, Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas perubahan ketersediaan stok atau harga pada periode interim. Pengiriman Rewards yang telah dilunasi dari Rewards Store Produk voucher hadiah yang diminta akan dikirimkan sesuai dengan jadwal pengiriman yang disebutkan di bawah ini. Instan e-Voucher akan dikirim ke id email yang terdaftar di bank Anda secara instan. Jika terjadi situasi yang tidak terduga, pengiriman akan maksimal dalam waktu 24 jam. Jika Instan e-Voucher tidak dikirim dalam kotak surat Anda dalam waktu 24 jam, silakan hubungi Customer Service Number di nomor 1800-103-5577, 1800-209-5577. Instan e-Voucher yang pernah ditukarkan tidak dapat dibatalkan. Ii. E-Voucher yang akan digunakan di luar negeri oleh pelanggan NRI akan dikirimkan dalam waktu 3 hari kerja. aku aku aku. Voucher hadiah akan dikirimkan dalam 6 hari kerja. Iv. Semua produk lainnya termasuk pelunasan beberapa penghargaan akan diberikan dalam 9 hari kerja untuk kota-kota Metro dan dalam 9-13 hari kerja untuk kota-kota Non-Metro. V. Produk yang dilalui melalui Speed ​​Post akan dikirimkan dalam 21 hari kerja. Vi. E-voucher dikirim dari customer. shipmentedgerewards. co. in ke ID e-mail terdaftar Anda. Kota-kota yang tercakup dalam metros: Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon termasuk wilayah NCR, Mumbai, Vashi, Thane, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Indore. Vi. Jika produk voucher hadiah voucher e - Voucher yang dikirim kembali) tidak diterima sesuai dengan jadwal pengiriman yang disebutkan di atas. Maka anggota tersebut perlu mengajak Axis Bank untuk menerima tanda terima dalam waktu 30 hari sejak tanggal penebusan. Vii. Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan atau kerugian dalam pengiriman hadiah voucher hadiah. Sebuah. Hadiah fisik yang ditukarkan hanya akan dikirim ke alamat yang terdaftar di Axis Bank dan di India hanya jika dinyatakan lain dalam deskripsi produk penghargaan, dan dalam kasus e-Voucher, akan dikirim ke id email terdaftar Axis Bank. Pilih produk dari katalog NRI yang bisa ditukarkan dan digunakan di gerai merek masing-masing di luar India. Jika anggota telah mengubah alamatnya baru-baru ini, dia perlu mengunjungi cabang Bank Axis terdekat untuk meminta perubahan alamat. Hal yang sama juga terjadi jika ada perubahan yang harus dilakukan pada id email yang terdaftar di bank. Hanya setelah anggota menerima konfirmasi atas perubahan alamat, dia harus mengajukan permintaan untuk menebus Poin Reward Loyalitas eDGE. Dalam situasi apapun, giftreward tidak dikirim ke alamat selain alamat terdaftar dari Axis Bank. B. Pengiriman hanya dilakukan terhadap pengakuan tertulis atas penerimaan giftreward oleh penghuni manapun di alamat yang terdaftar. Pengakuan tersebut dianggap sebagai pengakuan anggota. C. Tidak ada pengiriman yang harus dilakukan ke P. O. Kotak alamat atau alamat di luar India. D. Axis Bank atau penyedia layanan pihak ketiga seperti perusahaan kurir harus melakukan tiga upaya untuk mengirimkan giftreward yang dipesan ke alamat yang terdaftar. Jika gifTreward tidak dikirim setelah tiga kali mencoba, pesanan penebusan dibatalkan dan Poin Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE dikembalikan ke akun anggota sesuai dengan proses yang berlaku. E. Jika giftreward diterima rusak, dan i. Jika kerusakan itu terlihat dari kondisi kemasannya, anggota harus menolak untuk menerima kiriman tersebut dan mendapatkan surat penolakan dari perusahaan kurir dan menginformasikan pusat layanan pelanggan kami dalam waktu 3 hari sejak diterimanya pemberian tersebut. Ii. Jika kerusakan ditemukan setelah membuka paket, anggota harus menyimpan semua bahan kemasan dan karton utuh dan mengembalikan semua materi ke Manajer, Layanan Pelanggan - Kartu Kredit. Jika barang yang dikembalikan tersebut ditemukan oleh Axis Bank menjadi cacat atau tidak sesuai dengan uraian dalam Katalog Rewards Loyalitas EDGE, Axis Bank akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan penggantian barang dan jika tidak, akan memberi kredit kepada Poin Rugi LoyalitasEdGE kembali ke Akun anggota Anggota setelah itu tidak memiliki klaim apapun terhadap Axis Bank. aku aku aku. Dalam hal penerimaan barang rusak, rusak atau kurang, anggota harus akrab sama dengan Customer Service Axis Bank dalam waktu 3 hari kerja sejak diterimanya giftreward. Namun, jika gagal melakukannya, imbalannya akan dianggap diterima dan permintaan anggota tidak akan terhibur. Iv. Jika menerima voucher yang salah atau tidak benar, anggota harus akrab sama dengan Customer Service Axis Bank dalam waktu 3 hari kerja sejak diterimanya. Namun, jika gagal melakukannya, voucher dianggap sah dan diterima dan permintaan anggota tidak akan terhibur. saya. Fitur Points Plus Pay memungkinkan anggota pilihan untuk menukarkan penghargaan menggunakan kombinasi Poin Rewards Loyalitas EDGE dan pembayaran tunai melalui kartu Debit Kredit Axis Bank, dengan jumlah minimum 300 Poin Rewards Loyalitas EMAE. Ii. Points Plus Pay dapat digunakan untuk produk yang ditampilkan di Rewards Store kecuali e-Voucher instan. Points Plus Pay dapat digunakan untuk layanan yang tersedia di toko Pesan Ulang juga dengan pengecualian Download Musik. aku aku aku. Pembayaran uang tunai dengan menggunakan fitur Points Plus Pay hanya akan diizinkan menggunakan gateway pembayaran Axis Bank iv. Pelunasan minimal 300 poin berlaku untuk menggunakan fitur Points Plus Pay v. Pembayaran tunai hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kartu Kredit BankDeal BankDesial vi. Pada saat pembatalan bonus ditebus, poin dan uang tunai akan dikembalikan dalam 15 hari kerja. Jika terjadi kesalahan saat menebus ganjaran, poin akan dikembalikan dalam 1 jam dan uang tunai akan dikembalikan dalam 7 hari kerja. Vii. Jika anggota tidak membatalkan pesanan tapi menaikkan tagihan atas pembayaran tunai yang dilakukan dengan Axis Bank, maka banklah yang mengizinkan atau menolak permintaan tersebut. Catatan: Saat ini fungsi Point Plus Pay tidak tersedia di Kode Etik Axis Mobile Code Serviceability i. Cek servis PIN Code adalah jadwal pengiriman indikatif dari hadiah yang telah ditukarkan dan dikirimkan ke alamat Anda. Ii. Jumlah hari yang ditampilkan untuk memberikan hadiah yang ditebus adalah perkiraan waktu berdasarkan jadwal pengiriman perusahaan kurir iii. Rewards yang ditukarkan hanya akan dikirim ke alamat surat masuk Bank Registered saja, terlepas dari apakah ada Kode PIN lain yang digunakan untuk pemeriksaan Service Code Code. Iv. Axis Bank dan mitranya berusaha sebaik-baiknya untuk memastikan pengiriman hadiah yang tepat waktu kepada pelanggan namun Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas penundaan karena perusahaan kurir atau logistik. saya. Poin loyalitas eDGE Poin reward hanya dapat ditransfer ke Nasabah Axis Bank kecuali dengan nasabah holding holding. Kepercayaan atau tanpa embel-embel rekening tabungan dasar. Ii. Minimal 300 dan maksimal 25.000 poin dapat ditransfer dalam satu transaksi namun beberapa transaksi dapat dilakukan untuk mentransfer poin. aku aku aku. Customer ID diharuskan untuk mentransfer poin ke anggota lainnya. Iv. Hadiah Loyalitas eDGE tidak bertanggung jawab atau bertanggung jawab untuk mengembalikan dana, mengembalikan kredit atau membatalkan poin yang telah salah dipindahkan ke nomor pelanggan yang salah. Anggota Rewards Loyalitas eDGE bertanggung jawab atas rincian yang dimasukkan saat mentransfer poin ke anggota lainnya. Penebusan di Toko Pedagang Outlet: i. Nilai minimum tagihan harus lebih besar dari atau sama dengan Rs.100. Ii. Fasilitas untuk menukarkan poin Hadiah Loyalitas EDGE untuk pembelian di gerai-gerai gerai peserta tersedia hanya untuk Kartu Kredit Axis Bank saja. Untuk daftar lengkap Kartu Kredit Axis Bank pada Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE, silakan kunjungi edgerewards. axisbank iii. Daftar pedagang gerai yang berpartisipasi dapat berubah dan akan diperbarui di situs web Hadiah Loyalitas Dividen dari waktu ke waktu. Iv. Axis Bank berhak setiap saat, tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya, untuk menambahkan perubahan ubah ubah atau mengubah semua persyaratan syarat atau untuk mengganti seluruhnya, atau sebagian, Penawaran oleh penawaran lain, apakah serupa dengan fasilitas ini atau tidak, atau untuk menariknya kembali sama sekali. V. Jika anggota kartu membatalkan pembelian yang dilakukan pada pedagang outlet yang berpartisipasi, pengembalian yang sesuai akan diatur oleh syarat dan ketentuan dari pedagang outlet yang berpartisipasi. Vi. Untuk transaksi yang dibatalkan, Poin Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE tidak akan dikreditkan kembali. Namun, voucher hadiah kredit akan diberikan oleh gerai pedagang dengan nilai setara. Cashback tidak akan berlaku untuk fasilitas ini di toko merchant. Vii. Axis Bank tidak akan menghibur permintaan pembatalan untuk mendapatkan pelepasan Poin Rewards Loyalitas Hutang sementara availing fasilitas ini di toko merchant. Viii. Fasilitas untuk menukarkan poin Hadiah Loyalitas Rugi AWAL untuk pembelian tersedia di toko merchant yang ada, hanya berbelanja di toko, dan bukan di situs merchant ix. Fasilitas ini hanya diberikan kepada Anda oleh para pedagang gerai yang berpartisipasi dan Axis Bank tidak memberikan jaminan dan tidak mewakili pengiriman, layanan, kesesuaian, kelayakan jual, ketersediaan atau kualitas fasilitas atau layanan produk yang Anda dapatkan dari gerai yang berpartisipasi. Pedagang dengan sarana fasilitas ini. X. Axis Bank berhak untuk memperpanjang atau menghentikan fasilitas ini tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Setiap perselisihan mengenai pengiriman, pelayanan, kesesuaian, kelayakan jual, ketersediaan atau kualitas produk yang diperoleh dari pedagang outlet yang berpartisipasi melalui fasilitas ini harus ditangani secara tertulis, oleh Nasabah Kartu Kredit Bank Axis secara langsung ke pedagang. Axis Bank tidak boleh menjalin komunikasi apapun dalam hal ini. Xi. Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan apapun yang mungkin diderita, atau karena cedera pribadi yang mungkin diderita, kepada anggota kartu, secara langsung atau tidak langsung, dengan menggunakan atau tidak menggunakan produk yang diperoleh dari pedagang outlet yang berpartisipasi. Dengan sarana fasilitas ini. Xii. Pengiriman barang dan jasa yang dipesan melalui gerai gerai yang berpartisipasi akan diatur oleh syarat kondisi pedagang outlet yang berpartisipasi dan Axis Bank tidak bertanggung jawab jika terjadi perselisihan. Xiii. Untuk rincian mengenai syarat dan ketentuan dari pedagang gerai yang berpartisipasi, Pelanggan Kartu Kredit Axis Bank dapat mengunjungi situs resmi para pedagang gerai yang berpartisipasi. Syarat dan ketentuan ini merupakan tambahan terhadap syarat dan ketentuan Program Imbalan Loyalitas eDGE sebagaimana disepakati oleh Nasabah Kartu Kredit Bank Axis dengan Axis Bank. Xiv Pembayaran tagihan jasa lain-lain sejumlah lainnya dari Nasabah Kartu Kredit Bank Axis kepada Axis Bank dari penggunaan Kartu Kredit Axis Bank dengan menggunakan fasilitas ini dan jika tidak, akan diatur oleh syarat-syarat kondisi Kartu Kredit Axis Bank yang terperinci. Xv. Axis Bank dapat menunda pelunasan poin dimana rekening Kartu Kredit Axis Bank tidak dalam keadaan baik (tunggakan atau dalam koleksi). Xvi. Syarat dan Ketentuan ini diatur oleh undang-undang India dan para pihak untuk tunduk pada yurisdiksi eksklusif pengadilan di Mumbai. Xvii. Penawaran ini tunduk pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan akan dimodifikasi dihentikan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku pada setiap saat dan tidak ada pihak yang berada dalam kewajiban atau kewajiban atau melanjutkan pelaksanaan Penawaran tersebut sampai saat persyaratan diubah oleh Para Pihak sesuai dengan undang-undang yang diubah yang berlaku pada saat itu. Jika Penawaran tidak dapat dilanjutkan tanpa mematuhi hukum yang berlaku pada setiap saat, Penawaran ini akan dianggap dihentikan segera sejak tanggal undang-undang yang telah diubah yang melarang Penawaran Penawaran mulai berlaku. Xviii. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank related products apply. Redemption at Online Merchant Stores: i. Customer should have minimum point balance of 300 Reward points to do a redemption at an online merchant store using eDGE Loyalty Reward points. ii. The minimum bill value should be greater than or equal to Rs.60 iii. The facility of redeeming eDGE Loyalty Reward points for purchases at participating online merchant stores are available only on eligible Axis Bank Credit Debit Cards. For the complete list of Axis Bank Credit and Debit Cards on eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program, please visit edgerewards. axisbank. Iv. Only eDGE Loyalty Reward points can be used to redeem for products and services through participating online merchant stores. Points cannot be clubbed with cash on any other monetary form to avail this service. v. The facility of redeeming eDGE Loyalty Reward points for purchases at participating online stores is allowed upto the customers available points for redemption. vi. The list of participating online merchant stores is subject to change and will be updated on eDGE Loyalty Rewards website from time to time. vii. Axis Bank reserves the right at any time, without prior notice, to add alter modify change or vary all terms conditions or to replace wholly, or in part, the Offer by other offers, whether similar to this facility or not, or to withdraw it altogether. viii. In case the card member cancels the purchases made at the participating online merchants by redeeming the eDGE Loyalty Reward points, the corresponding refund the time to process the refund will be governed by the terms and conditions of the participating online Merchants for which Axis Bank cannot be made liable. ix. For cancelled transactions, eDGE Loyalty Reward points will be credited back basis Merchants terms and conditions. X. Axis Bank will not entertain any cancellation request for products redeemed through eDGE Loyalty Reward points, while availing this facility at the online merchant storewebsite. Products redeemed on the online merchant store can be cancelled only on the online merchants website or mobile app. xi. This facility is solely brought to you by the participating online Merchant stores and Axis Bank holds no warranty and is not representative of the delivery, services, suitability, merchantability, availability or quality, either of the facility or the products services availed by you from the participating online merchant stores by the means of this facility. xii. Axis Bank shall not be liable in case the transaction fails or does not go through at the online store while redeeming eDGE Loyalty Reward points for products. xiii. While purchasing products at the online Merchant store, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the purchase does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. xiv. Price of the products offered at the online merchant websitemobile app is available at the merchants discretion. xv. eDGE Loyalty Reward points conversion may vary from merchant to merchant and is subject to change without any prior notice. xvi. Axis Bank reserves the right to extend or terminate this facility without prior notice. Any disputes regarding delivery, service, suitability, merchantability, availability or quality of the productsservices availed from the participating online merchant stores by means of this facility must be addressed, by the Axis Bank customer directly with the online merchant store. Axis Bank shall not entertain any communication in this regard. xvii. Axis Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered, or for any personal injury that may be suffered, to a Axis Bank customer, directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of productsservices availed from the participating online stores by the means of this facility. xviii. Delivery of goods and services ordered through participating online stores will be governed by terms conditions of the participating online stores and Axis Bank will not be liable in case of any disputes. xix. For details on the terms and conditions of participating online stores, Axis Bank Card Customer can visit the official website of the online merchant. These terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions on eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program as agreed upon by Axis Bank Card Customer with Axis Bank. xx. Payment of feesservice chargesall other amounts due from an Axis Bank CreditDebit Card Customer to Axis Bank from usage of the Axis Bank CreditDebit Card on using this facility andor otherwise will be governed by the detailed Axis Bank Credit and Debit Card terms conditions. xxi. Axis Bank may suspend redemption of points where the Axis Bank CreditDebit Card account is not in good standing (overdue or in collection) at its sole discretion. xxii. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India and the parties to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Mumbai. xxiii. This facility is subject to applicable law and regulations and would be modified discontinued based on the prevailing law regulation at any point of time and neither party shall be under any liability or obligation or continue implementation of the said facility till such time the terms are modified by the Parties as per the prevailing amended law at that point of time. In the event, that the facility cannot be continued without total compliance of the prevailing law at any point of time, this facility shall be deemed to be terminated forthwith from the date when the amended law restricting prohibiting the facility comes into force. xxiv. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank related products apply. eDGE Loyalty Reward Points . Reward points which a Axis Bank Customer earns on transactions undertaken across banking relationship with Axis Bank, as defined in eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program. Axis Bank Credit Card Customer . A person who holds Credit Card which is issued by Axis Bank Limited. Axis Bank Debit Card Customer . A person who holds Debit Card which is issued by Axis Bank Limited. Merchant shall mean the businessorganization from whom the customer purchases goods and services through such merchants website or any third party website. The productsservices are being offered solely by the merchants and Axis Bank is not sellingrendering any of these productsservices. Axis Bank is not undertaking the business of on-line retail trading or shopping by hosting the Recharges Bookings platform on eDGE Loyalty Rewards website or anywhere else. The customer is free to purchaseavail them from any other storesonline platforms and by using any other payment mechanism. Axis Bank is merely facilitating the payment to its customers by providing the Payment Gateway Services. By hosting the Recharges Bookings platform on eDGE Loyalty Rewards website, Axis Bank is neither guaranteeing nor giving any warranty nor making any representation with respect to the offers made by merchants. Axis Bank is neither endorsing the merchants or any productservice nor is it responsible for salequalityfeatures of the products services under the offer. Axis Bank will not be liable or responsible for any information on the Recharges Bookings platform of eDGE Loyalty Rewards website (or the section thereof to which you will be directed) whether about the merchant or the productsservices being offered. Axis Bank will not bear any obligation or liability if a customer purchasesavails of a productservice under an offer. If you choose to avail of the purchaseavail of a productservice, Axis Bank will neither be a party to nor in any manner concerned with such purchaseavailment nor be liable or responsible for any act or omission of the merchant or the customer. All productservice related queriescomplaints will be addressed by the respective merchants only. The list of participating merchants is subject to change and will be updated on eDGE Loyalty Rewards website from time to time. General terms of use amp service The following terms and conditions apply to all visitors or users of Recharges Bookings platform on eDGE Loyalty Rewards website. Please read these website Terms and Conditions carefully before using Recharges Bookings. By accessing or using this platform you explicitly agree to comply with and be bound by the Terms and Conditions of eDGE Loyalty Rewards. When you access any information or purchaseavail any product services offers of any merchant through this platform then the Terms amp Conditions of the said merchants apply. Customer should have minimum point balance of 300 reward points to do redemption at the Recharges Bookings platform using eDGE Loyalty Reward points. Bank registered email ID mobile number is required to redeem for services at the Recharges Bookings store. With the exception of music download. Customers can redeem products services offered by participating merchants, partially with points and cash at the Recharges Bookings platform. Cash amount can be paid with Axis Bank Credit Debit cards only. Please refer to the Terms Conditions of Pay Balance in Cash section for more details. Part payment by payment mode like credit debit card is available for all Recharges Bookings categories, except for Music Downloads This facility is solely brought to you by the participating merchants and Axis Bank holds no warranty and is not representative of the delivery, services, suitability, merchantability, availability or quality, either of the facility or the products services availed by you from the participating merchants by the means of this facility. While redeeming products services at the Recharges Bookings platform, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the redemption does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. If the products services are being redeemed partially by points and cash, the amount paid by cash will be credited to your account in 7 working days. Payment of feesservice chargesall other amounts due from an Axis Bank CreditDebit Card Customer to Axis Bank from usage of the Axis Bank CreditDebit Card on using this facility andor otherwise will be governed by the detailed Axis Bank Credit and Debit Card terms amp conditions. Axis Bank may suspend redemption of points where the Axis Bank CreditDebit Card account is not in good standing (overdue or in collection) at its sole discretion. This facility is subject to applicable law and regulations and would be modified discontinued based on the prevailing law regulation at any point of time and neither party shall be under any liability or obligation or continue implementation of the said facility till such time the terms are modified by the Parties as per the prevailing amended law at that point of time. In the event, that the facility cannot be continued without total compliance of the prevailing law at any point of time, this facility shall be deemed to be terminated forthwith from the date when the amended law restricting prohibiting the facility comes into force. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India and the parties to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Mumbai. All other terms amp conditions of Axis Bank, eDGE Loyalty Rewards related products apply These Terms and Conditions of use and any additional terms posted on eDGE Loyalty Rewards, together constitute the entire agreement between Axis Bank and the customer with respect to the use of Recharges Bookings platform on eDGE Loyalty Rewards website. Website and its contents This site is only for your personal use. All materials provided on this website, including but not limited to all text, logos, designs, service marks, trademarks, graphics, images, sounds, information, software, documents, downloads of any kind, products and services and the selection, arrangement and display thereof, are the copyrighted works of Axis Bank and the participating merchants. You shall not distribute exchange, modify, sell or transmit anything you copy from this website for any business, commercial or public purpose. Any unauthorized use of the content may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity and civil and criminal statutes. Axis Bank and the participating merchantsmerchant may add to, modify or remove any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time as it may deem fit merchant. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use or any terms posted on this site apply as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use this site after any changes are posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes. Axis Bank and the participating merchantsmerchant may add, change, discontinue, remove or suspend any other content posted on this site, including features and specifications of products or services described or depicted on the website, temporarily or permanently, at any time, without notice and without liability. Axis Bank and the participating merchantsmerchant reserves the right to undertake all necessary steps to ensure that the security, safety and integrity of companys systems as well as its clients and users interests are and remain, well-protected. Towards this end, Axis Bank and the participating merchantsmerchant may take various steps to verify and confirm the authenticity, enforceability and validity of orders placed by you. FLIGHT BOOKING TERMS: Only one flight ticket can be booked at a time at Recharges Bookings platform. For any other flight booking a new redemption request will have to be placed. The total points displayed include all applicable government taxes. You are required to pay the entire amount prior to the confirmation of your booking. There will be no refund for no-shows or any partially unused flights. To avail of infant fares, an infant must be under 24 months throughout the entire itinerary you are booking. This includes both onward and return journeys. If the infant is 24 months or above on the return journey, youll need to make a separate booking using a child fare. Infants must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age. While redeeming for flight tickets at the Recharges Bookings platform, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the redemption does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. If the products services are being redeemed partially by points and cash, the amount paid by cash will be credited to your account in 7 working days. All other terms conditions Axis Bank Debit Credit Card and of the participating merchants apply. As per the airline rules, the standard check-in time begins 2 hours before departure. For Air India flights the check-in time is 3 hours before departure and is at the International Terminal. The passenger needs to check-in at least 45 minutes prior to flight departure (1 hours for Air India and 45 minutes for AI express) else the reservation will be cancelled and passenger will be considered as a no show. Infants must have valid proof-of-age documents showing that the infant is under two years old. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank Debit Credit Card and of the participating merchants apply. Axis Bank will not entertain any cancellation request for products redeemed through eDGE Loyalty Reward points, while availing this facility at the Recharges Bookings platform. Products services redeemed through this facility can be cancelled directly with the participating airline merchant. If you are contacting the airlines directly for Cancellation you are still liable to call the Axis Bank - Customer Service to process your refund. Please inform the Customer Service team at 1800-103-5577 or 1800-209-5577 within 48 hours from the time of cancellation. The cancellation policy will be governed by the terms conditions of the participating airline merchants. For all flight ticket cancellations, the cancellation fee is charged per sector per passenger. Please note that these charges are subject to change by the participating airline partners at their sole discretion and without notice to Axis Bank. In case you have opted for Points Plus Pay facility while booking flight tickets, the cancellation fees will be deducted from the points and cash paid before processing the refund request. Every booking made is subject to cancellation charges levied by the airline, which may vary by flight and booking class. The charges may be verified with the airline and airline service provider by the member. If you are contacting the airlines directly with regards to the modification you are liable to pay the additional price difference directly to the airlines and Axis Bank is not liable for modification changes done to your order or online updates of the order in your account. Some booked fares may be non-refundable per the specific airlines policy. Offline cancellations: Cancellation requests are accepted through phone. However Agent cancellation charges for such offline cancellations may be higher Agent cancellation charges: Over and above the airline cancellation charges, Agent will levy Rs.300 per passenger per segment for each cancellation (This is not applicable for bookings done through Agent for business) Only cancellation requests made telephonic through the airline merchants customer support shall be entertained. Agent shall not be liable to entertain any cancellation requests made through any other medium including but not limited to SMS, e-mail For e-tickets, if your cancellation request is made less than 3 hours before departure, youll need to contact the airline directly to get your reservation cancelled It is mandatory to contact Agent for all refunds, as the airline will not be able to refund your tickets booked. If you need a refund for paper tickets, please send them back to the merchant. Your tickets must reach within 48 hours of the time of cancellation so that they can be endorsed by the airline for you. If your paper ticket gets lost or damaged, the airline will not be able to process a refund request. All cancellations made directly with the participating airline or agent needs to be intimated to Axis Bank within 48 hours by email or phone in order to initiate the refunds process Processing times for cancellation and refund requests vary. Post cancellation request is processed by the participating airline partner the applicable refunds will be credited in 15 working days. TRAVEL RISKS: Travelling to certain destinations may involve risk, wherein the cost and consequences are at your own risk and Axis Bank or any of its airline merchants are not liable to damages, losses or delays that may result from improper documents for entry, exit, duration of the stay, or from travel to such destinations. HOTEL BOOKING TERMS Only one hotel booking can be made at a time at Recharges Bookings platform. For any other hotel booking a new redemption request will have to be placed. The total points displayed include all applicable government taxes. You are required to pay the entire amount prior to the confirmation of your booking. The primary guest must be at least 18 years old to be able to check into the hotel. Check-in time is 12 pm and check-out time is 12 pm. Early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability and the hotel might charge you extra for it. Your stay does not include additional personal expenses like telephone charges, meals that arent part of your meal plan, any hotel services you use (like laundry and room service) or tips. The hotel will charge you directly for these when youre checking out. It is mandatory for guests to present valid photo identification at the time of check-in. According to government regulations, a valid photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the hotel. The identification proofs accepted are Drivers License, Voters Card, Passport. Without valid photo ID the guest will not be allowed to check in. Please note - PAN Cards will not be accepted as a valid ID card. The hotel reserves the right of admission. Accommodation can be denied to guests posing as a couple if suitable proof of identification is not presented at check-in. Axis Bank or the participating hotel partners will not be responsible for any check-in denied by the hotel due to the aforesaid reason. Hotels may charge a mandatory meal surcharge on festive periods e. g. Christmas, New Years Eve etc. All additional charges (including mandatory meal surcharges) need to be cleared directly at the hotel. All distances (AirportStation etc.) are approximate and the actual driving distances may vary based on the route taken. While redeeming for hotel bookings at the Recharges Bookings platform, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the redemption does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. If the products services are being redeemed partially by points and cash, the amount paid by cash will be credited to your account in 7 working days. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank Debit Credit Card and of the participating merchants apply. Cancellation Policy Every hotel has a different cancellation policy and the user shall be charged according to the HotelRoom cancellation policy. Axis Bank will not entertain any cancellation request for products redeemed through eDGE Loyalty Reward points, while availing this facility at the Recharges Bookings platform. Products services redeemed through this facility can be cancelled directly with the participating hotel partner. If you are contacting the hotel partners directly for cancellation you are still liable to call the Axis Bank - Customer Service to process your refund. Please inform the Customer Service team at 1800-103-5577 or 1800-209-5577 within 48 hours from the time of cancellation. The cancellation policy will be governed by the terms conditions of the participating hotel partners. In case you have opted for Points Plus Pay facility while hotel booking, the cancellation fees will be deducted from the points and cash paid before processing the refund request. Offline cancellations cancellation requests through phone are accepted. Only those cancellation requests which are made on the phone with the hotel partner customer support team shall be entertained. Axis Bank and the participating hotel partner shall not be liable to entertain any cancellation requests made directly to the hotel without intimating us and also through any other medium including, but not limited to, SMS or e-mail. The participating hotel partner charges a separate service fee of Rs.300 for all offline cancellations. If you dont show up at the hotel, the entire booking amount will be deducted as no-show charges and no refunds will be applicable. Modifications amp Refunds : Changes and modifications are not supported for online bookings once they are made. Do not call the hotel directly for reservation changes or cancellations. The hotels agents cant make changes to or process refunds for these specially-negotiated rates. Axis Bank may debit its own separate charges from refunds made to your credit card or bank account. For hotel booking secured by making a part payment, the remaining payment must be made by the stipulated date else the first payment amount will be forfeited. Post cancellation request is processed by the participating airline partner the applicable refunds will be credited in 15 working days. MOBILE DTH RECHARGES PAYMENTS TERMS Mobile DTH recharge or bill payment can be done for only one mobile number DTH account at a time on Recharges Bookings platform. For another recharge or bill payment a new redemption request will have to be placed. Mobile recharge and bill payment can be done for only bank registered mobile numbers. The total points displayed include all applicable government taxes. You are required to pay the entire amount prior to the confirmation of your recharge or bill payment. Recharges and bill payments once done on Recharges Bookings platform cannot be cancelled. All successful recharges and bill payments are final with no refund or exchanges permitted. You are responsible for the mobile number or DTH account number you recharge or make payments for, and all charges that result from those purchases. Axis Bank participating merchants are not responsible for any recharge or payment done to any incorrect mobile number or DTH account number. It would solely be the responsibility of the customer to ensure the correct number is mentioned at the time of redemption. While redeeming for mobileDTH recharge or mobile bill payment at the Recharges Bookings platform, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the redemption does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. If the products services are being redeemed partially by points and cash, the amount paid by cash will be credited to your account in 7 working days. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank Debit Credit Card and of the participating merchants apply. MOVIE BOOKING TERMS Tickets for only one movie can be booked at a time at Recharges Bookings platform. To book any other movie ticket a new redemption request will have to be placed. The total points displayed include internet handling fees and all applicable government taxes. You are required to pay the entire amount prior to the confirmation of your booking. Movie tickets once booked on Recharges Bookings platform cannot be cancelled Any cancellation request or request for points refundcredit for cancelations done directly with the partner will not be entertained for movie tickets booked on Recharges Bookings store. While redeeming for movie tickets at the Recharges Bookings platform, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the redemption does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. If the products services are being redeemed partially by points and cash, the amount paid by cash will be credited to your account in 7 working days. If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting payment information, or if you experience an error message or service interruption after submitting payment information, it is your responsibility to confirm the same from your booking history or by contacting Axis Bank - Customer Service at 1800-103-5577, 1800-209-5577. Please check the censor warning ageratingsentry restrictions that maybe applicable from time to time. Please review your booking details carefully before booking the tickets. Axis Bank and participating merchants will not be liable, in case you have filled in or selected wrong venue, movie, date, seats etc. Axis Bank and participating merchants do not permit exchanges or refunds after a ticket has been booked or for lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed tickets. The email confirmation of your movie booking has to be printed and shown at the ticket counter to get a physical ticket. Axis Bank and participating merchants will not be liable in case of no-show for the movie at theatre venue. In such circumstances, any claims with regards to refunds will not be entertained. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank Debit Credit Card and of the participating merchants apply. MUSIC DOWNLOAD TERMS Only one song can be redeemed and downloaded at a time. To redeem another song a new redemption request will have to be placed. Redemption cannot be done for an entire album in a single transaction Music cannot be downloaded on iPhone, iPads, or any other Apple devices through Recharges Bookings store. Please do not redeem your points to download music on Apple devices. Any request for cancelation, points refundcredit will not be entertained for cases wherein music download has been attempted on apple devices. The total points displayed include all applicable government taxes. You are required to pay the entire amount prior to the confirmation of your music download. Music cannot be redeemed with Points Plus Pay facility on Recharges Bookings platform Music once redeemed on Recharges Bookings platform cannot be cancelled While redeeming for music at the Recharges Bookings platform, if eDGE Loyalty Reward points get deducted and the redemption does not go through, the points will be credited into your account in 1 hour. The Download Now link to download the song redeemed will be active on the order confirmation page for 15 minutes only If you do not receive a confirmation email after redeeming or if you experience an error message or service interruption after redeeming, please contact Axis Bank - Customer Service at 1800-103-5577, 1800-209-5577. All other terms conditions of Axis Bank of the participating merchants apply. Any communication or materials sent by you to the site by electronic mail or otherwise, including any comments, data, questions, suggestions or the like will be treated by Axis Bankmerchant as non-confidential. Any material submitted to this site may be adapted, broadcast, changed, copied, disclosed, licensed, performed, posted, published, sold, transmitted or used by Axis Bankmerchant anywhere in the world, in any medium. All cancellations will be governed by the T C of the 3rd party service provider and will be subject to a cancellation fee. This fee will vary for different service providers for different cancellations. The fee is subject to change. Only if the 3rd party vendor has a cancellation policy can this be actioned by the service provider only. Axis Bank will not be able to process any cancellation request at their end. Not all redemptions offered by the service center can be cancelled. Axis Bankmerchant reserves the right to deny any user access to Recharges Bookings store if found suspicious or any portion hereof without notice. Axis Bankmerchant is merely providing the intermediary service to its users and therefore not be held responsible for the acts, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches or negligence of any content with regards to the flights, hotels, movie, music, recharges bill payments and other categories that can result in damages of any kind, expenses, personal injuries etc resulting there from. Axis Bank and their respective merchants have no liability and will make no refund in the event of any delay, cancellation, overbooking, strike, force majeure or other causes beyond their direct control and have no responsibility for any additional expense, omissions, delays, rerouting or acts of any government or authority. For any assistance please email or call as per the below details: Pre booking transaction queries A record of eDGE Loyalty Rewards activity for each relationship will be mailed (electronically in the form of a statement to the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship-holder or primary signatory thereof by Axis Bank, on a regular basis, to those who have provided their email id to Axis Bank. eDGE Loyalty Reward Points shall be transferred on a periodic basis from the Axis Bank relationship into the account (the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Account) for the purpose of accruing Points and all the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points shall accrue and expire as described in the Terms Conditions stated here and the Terms Conditions contained in the Statement. An eDGE Loyalty Rewards member can access the transactions for the last three months online at edgerewards. axisbank Any discrepancy on the Statement must be reported to Axis Bank within fourteen (14) days of the statement date, and such reporting is subject t o the Terms Conditions contained herein and in the Statement. Fraud andor abuse relating to earning and redemption of eDGE Loyalty Reward Points in the Program shall result in forfeiture of the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points as well as termination and cancellation of the eDGE Loyalty Rewards membership. Information supplied by a member on redemption of rewards may be used by Axis Bank for administrative andor marketing purposes, without procuring any permission, written or otherwise, from the member. All communication related to eDGE Loyalty Rewards will be sent on the email ID registered on the eDGE Loyalty Rewards website only. By giving us the registered email ID, the member provides Axis Bank the permission to send communication and promotional offers related to the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program on the registered email ID. Please note: The registered email ID for the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program may or may not be the registered email ID with Axis Bank. The eDGE Loyalty Rewards registered email ID will not be updated on the Axis Bank records. Any taxes or other liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority body or any other participating merchant establishment which may arise or accrue to a member on redemption of eDGE Loyalty Reward Points as aforesaid or otherwise shall be to the sole account of the member. eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program does not in any way amend the Agreement between Axis Bank and the member regarding any product, purchased by the member and mentioned within the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship and any term referenced, but not defined herein, may be interpreted in accordance with the Agreement entered between the member and Axis Bank (the Member Agreement). Notwithstanding anything contained herein, in the event there is any contradiction between these Terms amp Conditions and the member Agreement, then terms of member Agreement shall prevail. eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program acts in good faith in response to any oral or electronic instruction or inquiry by the member in respect of any matter in relation to this Program and the fulfilment of any reward, the member shall not be entitled to claim or allege any loss, damage, liability, expense, etc. attributable, directly or indirectly, to any such good faith action of Axis Bank and the member shall indemnify and hold Axis Bank fully harmless in respect thereof. All queries in relation to the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program should be addressed to 1800-103-5577, 1800-209-5577 or to edgerewardsaxisbank or as specified by the program Customer Service Centre from time to time. Loans customers can write to us at Loansaxisbank For NRI customers, the toll free numbers are: USA 1855 205 5577, UK - 0808 178 5040, Singapore 800 1206 355, Canada 1855 436 0726, Australia 1800 153 861, UAE 8000 3570 3218, Saudi Arabia 800 850 0000, Qatar 00 800 100 348, Bahrain 800 11 300. Non-toll free number to India - 91 22 27648000 or to nri. servicesaxisbank or as specified by the program Customer Service Centre from time to time. Credit Card and Debit Card customers can write to us at creditcardsaxisbank amp debitcardsaxisbank respectively. One of the conditions on which eDGE Loyalty Rewards has agreed to allow the member to participate in the Program is that heshe confirms and accepts the Terms amp Conditions as herein contained. eDGE Loyalty Rewards makes no representation and provides no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied and undertakes and assumes no liability whatsoever, in respect of the quality or merchantability of any reward or the suitability or fitness thereof for any use or purpose. All eDGE Loyalty Rewards shall be accepted by the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship holder at hisher own risk. Axis Bank is not responsible for disputes involving eDGE Loyalty Reward Points, rewards or any other aspect of this Program between joint signers of the Account. Any personal liability arising out of the receipt or use of the Program, or the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship is solely the members responsibility. The eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program is subject to applicable law and regulations and would be modified discontinued based on the prevailing law regulation at any point of time and neither party shall be under any liability or obligation or continue the program till such time the terms are modified by the bank as per the prevailing amended law at that point of time. In the event, that the program cannot be continued without total compliance of the prevailing law at any point of time, program shall be deemed to be discontinued forthwith from the date when the amended law restricting prohibiting the program comes into force. eDGE Loyalty Rewards, Indias only true bank wide loyalty program, has been adjudged as winner of Best Rewards Program, for the 3rd time in a row, at the 10th Loyalty Summit Awards 2017, which is the most prestigious Loyalty Forum in the country, instituted by Kamikaze B2B media India. The program also won awards for the Best Use of Mobile and Best Use of Partnership in Loyalty. i. The event gets together leading B2C brands across all verticals durables, non-durables, retail, travel, financial services, healthcare, telecom to showcase innovation in customer engagement, analytics and customer experience. ii. eDGE Loyalty Rewards was honored with the 3 awards from amongst some of the best global brands in the service sector, adjudged by a panel of eminent jurists. iii. We have received these awards 3 years in a row. It is an affirmation of our steadfast commitment towards our customers. In the event of a breach by an eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship-holder of these Terms amp Conditions or of any applicable provisions in any policy incorporated by reference herein, or in the event of failure on part of an eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship-holder to pay for any outstanding dues within the prescribed time set by Axis Bank or for any other reason whatsoever, Axis Bank reserves the right, at its discretion, to: emspo Terminate and close the eDGE Loyalty Rewards membership in the Program emspo Refuse to award eDGE Loyalty Reward Points emspo Withdraw eDGE Loyalty Reward Points andor emspo Refuse to redeem eDGE Loyalty Reward Points Such suspension and disqualification of eDGE Loyalty Reward Points Relationship-holder may result, at Axis Banks discretion, in the forfeiture of all of the accrued eDGE Loyalty Reward Points in the Relationship-holders account. Axis Bank reserves the right to wholly or partly modify eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program. Axis Bank also reserves the right to change eDGE Loyalty Rewards conversion rate, withdraw eDGE Loyalty Rewards awarded or to change any of the Terms Conditions herein in its absolute discretion and without prior notice to members. In case eDGE Loyalty Rewards comes in conflict with any rule, regulation or order of any statutory authority, then Axis Bank has absolute authority and right to modify or cancel this program to give effect to the said requirements. The data shared by the customer will not be shared with any third party vendor manufacturer. The customers data will not be misused or marketed outside of Axis Bank and will not be sent outside Axis Bank records for any purpose without explicit permission from the customer. The personal information of customer shall not be disclosed to any third party, except as described in this policy. Third party disclosures may include sharing such information with non-affiliated companies that perform support services including those that provide professional, legal or accounting advice to Axis Bank. Non-affiliated companies that assist Axis Bank in providing services to customer are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information to the extent they receive it and to use personal information of customer only in the course of providing such services. Whenever Axis Bank hires other organization to provide support services, other organization shall conform to Privacy Policy of the Axis Bank and shall allow Axis Bank to audit them for compliance. Axis Bank reserves the right to modify alter all or any of the terms applicable to the Program without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. Axis Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Program without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. Banking relationship details along with transactional information of every eDGE eligible customer is shared with a third party vendor to fulfill the program criteria. However, the third party agreement ensures safety and security of our customers. All customers with Axis Bank 3-in-1 (or 4-in-1 account in case of NRI customers) Savings account eligible to transact on Axis Direct are eligible to earn eDGE Loyalty Reward Points subject to following terms and conditions. This whole arrangement shall hereinafter referred to as the program. Points will not be available for orders or investment in IPONCDBonds, Futures Options MF transactions. Points on order are available only after 4th executed order, in a month. On cancellation of the eligible transactions done on Axis Direct, relevant points will be debited from the customers eDGE Loyalty Rewards account. Customer will only earn max 150 points on Equity Investments. Investment value over above 750000- max points available are only 150. Axis Bank and Axis Direct shall determine, from time to time, at its discretion, which eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationships or actions are eligible for inclusionexclusion in the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program and how many eDGE Loyalty Reward Points to be earned and on what basis. Points earned through eligible earn actions will be credited to the customers eDGE Loyalty Rewards account by the 20th of the following month. The customer can view these points under the Earn History Tab on the program website or call the Axis Bank call center. Redemption of points earned through trading done using Axis Direct account will fall under the purview of the redemption terms of eDGE Loyalty Rewards program. Email address provided during the registration process will be treated as the email address specific to the eDGE Loyalty Rewards Program and the member will receive all program related email communications on this email address. All redemptions will be fulfilled using the customers Bank registered email ID only. This could be but not restricted to the email ID registered with eDGE Loyalty Rewards program. Points earned on all eligible AxisDirect transactions are valid for a period of three (3) years, starting from the day of the month on which the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points are earned. (For example, if a member has earned eDGE Loyalty Reward Points on 10th January 2013, the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points shall be valid for redemption till 10th January 2016.) Unless used prior to the expiration date, the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points shall expire on such date. Axis Direct shall send the OrderTrade confirmation details on our existing registered E-mail id registered with Axis Direct. This will have no bearing on Axis Bank. The above TCs are in addition to the eDGE Loyalty Rewards program TCs mentioned herein. The above program is subject to changes from time to time as per the policy of the Axis Bank Ltd and Axis Bank at its sole discretion has the right to amend the above conditions and eligibility norms during the currency of this facility. Axis Bank has the right to discontinue this program at its sole discretion any time as Axis Bank deems fit. Sebuah. eDGE Loyalty Rewards Relationship i. Savings Account ii. Current Account iii. Cards: Debit Cards issued by Axis Bank Credit Cards issued by Axis Bank iv. Burgundy v. NRI vi. Loans vii. Forex viii. Inaam Account The new earn structure on spends for the eDGE Loyalty Rewards program will be as follows: Effective 10 th November 2014, a Savings Account customer must maintain a minimum Average Monthly Balance (AMB) of Rs. 25,000 per month to be eligible to earn eDGE Loyalty Reward Points for below mentioned transactions. Corporate and Government Trust Savings Account, no frills and Basic Savings Account are not eligible to earn points AMB between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 Display Debit Card 2 points on Domestic Spends4 points on International Spends 1. On Ladies First Card earn 5 points for every Rs. 100 spent on Groceries and Apparels 2. On Titanium Rewards Debit Card or Rewards Debit Card - Earn 5x Reward points on Dining Get 5 times the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points every time you dine out using your Axis Bank Titanium Rewards Rewards Debit Card. Cardholders need to use their valid Axis Bank Titanium Rewards Debit Card or Rewards Debit Card as the mode of payment to enjoy 5x eDGE Loyalty Reward Points on dining. The bank will not be responsible for issuing points, if any merchant is not registered under Dining Category. 3. On Titanium Rewards Debit Card and Rewards Debit Card - Earn 5x Reward Points on Shopping Get 5 times the eDGE Loyalty Reward Points on shopping at apparel stores whenever you pay using your Axis Bank Titanium Rewards Debit Card or Rewards Debit Card. Cardholders need to use their valid Axis Bank Titanium Rewards Debit Card or Rewards Debit Card as the mode of payment to enjoy 5x eDGE Loyalty Reward Points on Shopping at Apparel Stores. The bank will not be responsible for issuing points, if any merchant is not registered under Fashion Apparels Category Titanium Rewards Debit Card holders are entitled to 5 cash back on movie spends, both online and box office openings. eDGE Loyalty Reward Points will not be credited to members account for movie transactions 4. On Online Rewards Debit Card for every Rs. 200 spent, earn 2x Reward Points when Utility Bills are paid online . 5. Activation offer on Priority Platinum Chip Card Any new customer transacting with their card activating their card for the first time, within 45 days of account opening, will earn 1000 additional Axis eDGE Reward points. The customer will be eligible for this offer only once. This offer is applicable for new to bank customers (after Oct 01, 2016) holding a Priority account with Axis Bank and having a Priority Platinum Debit Card. . eDGE Loyalty Reward Points earned on the above transactions shall be credited to the members account within 12 working days from the Point of Sales Online transaction. For example: Points for transaction done on 10 th July 2017, will be credited by 26 th July, 2017. Effective 5 th March 2013, below Credit Cards are eligible to earn eDGE Loyalty Reward Points for below mentioned transactions. The Birthday Bonus Points will be credited by the 20 th of the following month. For example: If the birthday falls in the month of January, the 2X bonus Points will be credited in the members account by the 20 th of February. 1 point for Domestic transactions 2 points on International transactions 1 point on EMI Conversion. Fuel transactions done on Axis Bank MasterCard CCIL Credit Card will not be rewarded with any points. eDGE Loyalty Reward Points earned on the above transactions shall be credited to the members account within 12 working days from the Point of Sales Online transaction. For example: Points for transaction done on 10 th July 2017, will be credited by 26 th July, 2017. Axis Pay Card: (Applicable on all MasterCard variant Credit Cards only) 1. Earn 10 points on every Rs. 200 spent on domestic international transactions Activation offer (Axis Pay Card) 1. Earn 50 bonus points on 1st transaction 2. Earn 200 bonus points on completion of first 5 successful transactions eDGE Loyalty Reward points will not be earned on those credit card transactions that have been converted into EMI. Effective 10 th November 2014, a Burgundy customer will earn 3x eDGE Loyalty Reward Points for the below mentioned transactions: eDGE Loyalty Reward Points earned on the above transactions shall be credited to the members account by 20 th of the following month. For example Points for transaction done on 10 th January 2014, Points will be credited by 20 th February, 2014. Effective 6 th April 2015, in order to be eligible to earn points, the combined family AMB should be Rs. 25,000 per month. To earn points on Family Banking transactions, the primary member has to hold Savings Account - Prime and above, whereas other family members added by the primary member, can hold any Savings Account with the exception of Corporate and Government Trust Savings Account, no frills and Basic Savings Account. Family Balance between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 Family Balance between Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 Family Balance greater than Rs. 5,00,000 Addition of Family Member Up to 3 members in a family, excluding the primary account holder Monthly Deposits Amounting to Rs. 50,000 or more. Once a month, per member Electronic Clearance System Transactions (ECS) - Credit or Debit Transactions Maximum of 5 transactions in a month, per member Standing Instructions - Credit or Debit Transactions Maximum of 5 transactions in a month, per member Opening of Recurring Deposit for Rs. 2000 or more Opening an AxisDirect Account One time, per member Funds Transfer between Family Members Up to 2 transfers per month in a family Take any one Family Menu action in your Birthday month Once per member Take any one Family Menu action in the Festival month-December Up to 3 members in a family, excluding the primary account holder Points to be given to Primary Member Points to be given to Primary Member eDGE Loyalty Reward Points earned on the above transactions shall be credited to the members account by 20 th of the following month. For example Points for transaction done on 10 th January 2014, Points will be credited by 20 th February, 2014. Points earned for the 1 st time on any of the above transactions will be credited by 31 st March 2015 Effective 1 st December 2015, below transaction on Axis Direct is eligible to earn eDGE Loyalty Reward Points for below mentioned transactions. Earn Points on every executed orders in a month 4th Transaction onwards Earn Points on Monthly Investments in Equities Investments Greater than 250,000 a month Investments Greater than 500,000 a month Investments Greater than 750,000 a month eDGE Loyalty Reward Points earned on the above transactions shall be credited to the members account by 20 th of the following month. For example Points for transaction done on 10 th January 2014, Points will be credited by 20 th February, 2014. Effective 27 th August 2016, below transaction on Axis Active is eligible to earn eDGE Loyalty Reward Points for below mentioned transaction. USER LOGIN CHANGE eDGE PASSWORD FORGOT PASSWORD Loging Using SSO DOWNLOAD TRANSACTION HISTORY Resend Voucher Alert Message Alert Message Alert MessageLogin Axis Bank Netbanking 038 Mobile internet Banking for Online Payments Axis Bank offers net banking via their website axisbank. You could Login Axis Bank Netbanking amp Mobile internet Banking for Online Payments. Internet banking from Axis bank is quick, easy and secure. Register for Axis bank internet banking and Log-in with your username and password for secure net banking or E-banking. Now monitor, interact and manage your bank account on-line through Axis bank web banking service. you will be able to do multiple things from the comforts of your home or workplace with Axis Bank net Banking 8211 Really a 1 stop resolution for all of your banking desires. you8217ll be able to currently get all of your accounts details, submit requests and undertake a good vary of transactions on-line. Axis Bank E-Banking service makes banking lots less difficult and effective. How Access Axis Bank net banking on Mobile Phone: Axis Bank Net Banking Features Account Details. Fund Transfer-from own accounts or other banks. Value Added Services 8211 Pay Utility bills. Recharge Prepaid Mobile, Create Virtual Cards, Pay Visa Credit Card bills. Request Services 8211 for new Cheque book, Demand Draft (DD), Debit Cards. Related posts:Icici Prepaid Travel Card Login Select The Most Suitable Forex Card For Your International Trip Forex cards are used for making payments while you are travelling especially internationally. These are like pre-paidcards and enable you to access funds in the required country currency. Anda juga bisa mengatasinya tergantung kebutuhan Anda. Kartu ini memungkinkan Anda menarik uang tunai dalam mata uang asing, memeriksa saldo dan toko Anda. Banks such as ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, State Bank of India, Standard Chartered and Axis Bank offer the finest prepaid forex cards. Right forex card will be a great saving tool. The debit and credit cards applya service charge that can vary with the vendor in the range of 2 to 3 for each usage. You will be billed at the exchange rate that is being used on the date of transaction and charged a currency conversion rate accordingly. Any delays in the payment will attract a penalty. The travellers39cheques are acceptable way of trade. But it is limited to the select outlets and customers are charged an encashment have bear fee of 36. As you can see for yourself, the normal banking cards from India will be expensive choice internationally. They will invite surplus and unnecessary charges. They can be avoided when using the forex cards. When you use a forex card, you will be using it at the exchange rate of the currency of the country you are in. Therefore, you will save on the exchange rate. Also, you would be saving on expenses if the foreign currency39s value increases as against the rupee. Convenience and security of the forex cards is essential. You can get the forex cards with a range of currencies - US Dollar, Euro, British Pounds, Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Hong Kong Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, Swedish Krona, Thai Bahts, UAE Dirham and Saudi Riyal. But, there are few forex cards that will cater well to your travel itinerary and limit the exchange to select currencies only. You will need to enquire about the safety of the forex card. It will be an important kind of support in the international travel. So, apply for it quickly. Get a forex card by submitting a Form A2, proof of passport, minimum funds required and other necessary documents. Foreign exchange is highly regulated agea with several rules and regulations. In most cases, your top up the forex card isRs. 11.24 lakhs for business trips and Rs. 4.5 lakhs for personal holiday. So, understand and select the cards strategically and use them carefully. Neha Sharma a finance student, loves to write about Forex and Forex cards. She writes on Smart Forex Solutions , Benefits of using Forex Cards and much more. Thus, it comes as no surprise that she wants to continue offering useful information about different aspects of Forex cards. Original article published on SooperArticles BookmarkShare This Page: Recommended Products
